
*****Path to Becoming a Police Officer Workshop****

Waterford Police Department – Path to Becoming A Police Officer

     The Waterford Police Department will be holding a one-day session on the process to becoming a police officer in Connecticut.  This session, which will be held at the Waterford Police Department on Saturday May 18, 2019 from 9:00am-1:00pm, will educate and help prepare those interested in a career in law enforcement.  Areas that will be discussed in detail include but are not limited to:

  • Entry Level Exams
  • Agility Testing
  • How to best prepare for the interviews
  • Background checks and what you need to know
  • Life at the police academy

     The session will also incorporate mock interviews, questions and answers as well as a resume building workshop.  Those interested in attending should contact Sgt. Marc Balestracci at mbalestracci@waterfordct.org or at 860-442-9451 ex. 2282 as registration is required. 

     The session is free to attend but we encourage all attendees to register early as seating is limited.  Please dress as if arriving for a job interview and bring a current resume with you.